Saturday 5 November 2016

Primary - Science - Earth and Space 1

Solar System
What is there in Space? What is the Milky Way? What are the various planets in our Solar System?
Exploring  Planet:
The Moon and the Earth
The Moon is the only satellite (vệ tinh nhân tạo) that rotates around our planet and it takes 28 days to completely go around the Earth. 
What a satellite is? A natural satellite is any kind of celestial ( bầu trời) body that rotates, or actually, orbits (quỹ đạo) around a planet. The Moon is never still, it moves and in two ways. It has a movement of rotation, which means it turns in its own axis, and a movement of translation, that is to say, it rotates around the Earth. The duration of the movement of rotation and translation is 28 days. Because it takes the same amount to rotate on its own axis and to completely go around the Earth, the Moon always shows us the same face. When we observe the Moon along a period of time it appears to change shape. These changes in appearance are called lunar phases and they repeat every 28 days. 
The moon is our nearest neighbor in space and the only heavenly body that people have visited. Phases of The Moon
There are four: full Moon, first quarter, new Moon and last quarter. 
The Moon phases are produced by two reasons: the movement of the Moon around the Earth and because the Moon reflects light form the sun as a mirror. 
 New Moon
In this phase the Moon is passing between the Earth and the Sun. The illuminated face of the Moon is facing the opposite direction to Earth. The dark side ends up facing the Earth, and this is why we cannot see the Moon.
First Quarter
You can see it approximately one week after the new Moon. One half of the illuminated side faces the Earth. It is called the first quarter because, from the new Moon phase, the zone illuminated by the sun grows every time.
Full Moon
Approximately a week after the first quarter, we can see the whole Moon illuminated. The Earth is between the Moon and the sun and we can see it fully.
Last Quarter 
The Moon presents its other half face illuminated. The name of the last quarter comes from the fact that the illuminated side becomes smaller and smaller each time A very easy trick to now whether the Moon is in its first or last quarter is the following. If the Moon has the shape of a C, it is in its last quarter and if it has the shape of a D, it is in its first quarter. So now you know, the Moon has 4 phases: New Moon, first quarter, full Moon and last quarter. Know we are going to learn a few facts about the Moon.
Do you know the distance between the Moon and the Earth? Although it looks as though it is not very far away, the Moon is about 385,000 kilometers from the Earth. Another very interesting fact is that a rocket takes three days to get to the Moon. The first astronaut that stepped on the Moon was Neil Armstrong and this very important accomplishment occurred in the year 1969 aboard the Apollo 11 rocket. The Moon is 4 times smaller than the Earth, but it is very important for the sustainability of life in our planet. The Moon generates tides; 
Do you now what that is? A tide is the rise and fall of the sea level. They occur every 6 hours approximately.
Why can  I see  The Moon during the Day?
Structure of the Earth
Our home plane Earth is the third planet from the sun. We have one moon, liquid water, and life! Earth is the only planet we know suitable for life, so let's take care of it, shall we? Learn about the layers of the earth, what our atmosphere does for us, and why years and days are the lengths they are.

Xem nội dung trang Human 1234, 5
Xem nội dung trang Earth & Space 12
Xem nội dung trang Environment 1, 2
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