To keep track the speaking topics, I collect them and leave here for easing study. These answers were estimated band 7.
Here are the list of topics.
- Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in
I live in a house that has a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a small garden. It's not a very big house, but it's just right for me. - How long have you lived there?
I have lived there for about five years. It's the first house that I've owned; before that, I was renting an apartment. - What do you like about living there?
I like living there because I think the house reflects my personality. I decorated it myself, I chose all the furniture and everything is where I want it to be. - What sort of accommodation would you most like to live in?
If I could, I would buy a bigger near a beach or in the mountains, preferably somewhere with a warm climate.
- Are clothes and clothing fashions important to you? (Why/Why not?)
No, clothes and fashions are not really important to me. I tend to wear clothes that are comfortable and practical rather than fashionable. - What different clothes do you wear in different situations?
Well, I have to dress quite formally for work, so I wear a shirt and trousers. At home, I prefer to wear jeans and a T-shirt, and on special occasions, I might wear a suit. - Do you wear different styles of clothes now compared to 10 years ago?
No, not really, because I don't follow fashion much. I think I have dressed in a similar way for the last 10 years. - Do you think the clothes we wear say something about who we are?
Yes, they probably do. Some people are really careful about what they wear because they want to be seen as stylish. Other people wear clothes that show wealth or status, such as clothes by famous designers.
- Have you ever collected anything as a hobby? (What?)
Yes. When I was younger, I used to collect key rings. I remember that my favourite was a Lego man keying that someone bought me as a present. - What kinds of thing do people often like collecting?
Some people collect cheap items like stamps, keyrings or toys. Others collect expensive antiques, watches, jewellery or even cars. - Why do you think people collect certain objects?
Maybe they like the constant search for a new item, or they want to remember past experiences. Others might like the feeling of organising and presenting what they own. - Is there anything that you would like to collect in the future?
Yes. If I could afford it, I'd love to have a collection of guitars in different colours, shapes and sizes.
- How do you usually keep in touch with members of your family?
I mostly keep in touch with my family by phone, and I've started using the Internet to make video calls. I also try to visit members of my family in person as often as I can. - Do you prefer to speak to people by phone or by writing emails?
It depends on the situation. I use email and text messages to communicate with friends, but my parents prefer it if I phone them. - Do you ever write letters by hand? (Why/Why not?)
No, I don't write letters by hand because it's so much easier to send an email that will arrive immediately. - Is there anything you dislike about mobile phones?
Well, I don't like listening to other people's conversations in public areas, and I don't like it when someone's phone rings in the cinema or during a lesson.
- Do you like cooking? Why/why not?
Sometimes, I like preparing a special meal for family or friends who visit, but everyday cooking is a bit boring; it's something that has to be done, but it's not really fun. - Who did the cooking in your family when you were a child?
My mother almost always did the cooking when I was young. I don't think she trusted my father to make a nice meal. - Do you think that it's important to know how to cook well?
I'm not sure whether it's important to cook well, but I do think that everyone should know the basics. It definitely isn't healthy to rely on pre-prepared meals or fast food. - Do you think that children should be taught cookery at school?
Yes, that's probably a good idea. If all children knew how to cook a few basic, healthy meals, that would surely be a good thing.
- Are your friends mostly your age or different ages?
Most of my friends are about the same age as me because we met at school or university. I've got one or two friends who are older or younger that I met through work. - Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends?
I tend to meet up with my friends at weekends because everyone's too busy during the week. - The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
It was one of my friends' birthday last weekend. Six of us went out for a meal to celebrate. - In what ways are your friends important to you?
I think it's important to have friends that you can talk to and share an experience with. My friends make me laugh but I know I can also rely on them whether I need help or support.
- What games are popular in your country?
Well, if we can consider sports as games, then football is definitely the most popular game in my country, but we also love board games like chess. - Do you play any games?
Not regularly these days. I play the occasional game of tennis with my brother-in-law and I recently played a bowling game on the Nintendo Wii with my nephew. I wasn't very good at it. - How do people learn to play games in your country?
I think children teach each other to play games. I remember a friend at primary school teaching me to play chess, for example. - Do you think it's important for people to play games?
Yes, it's really important, especially for children. I think research has shown that play can improve brain development, intelligence, creativity, and the ability of cooperating with others.
- What colours do you like?
Since my taste always changes, my favourite colour at the moment is black. Although I just bought some black items recently, black surprisingly suit me. I become more mature and more mysterious wearing little black addresses. And because it’s one of the basic colours, it’s easy to be mixed and matched with other items of different colours and styles. - What’s the most popular colour in Vietnam?
To be honest, it’s hard to tell, as it totally depends on people’s taste. But I guess it’s my favourite colour - black. Black fashion items can be found at clothing shops since it’s said to be simple yet classy. And electronic devices and household supplies are mostly black-coloured, probably because it doesn’t show dirt and dust. - Do you like to wear dark or bright colours?
I’m actually flexible between dark and bright colours. But colours somehow do reflect my mood. Wearing bright colours gives me a younger, positive and cheerful look. They also match my skin tone better than dark ones. So I guess I prefer wearing bright colours. - What’s the difference between men and women’s preference for colours?
The difference in colours taste is obvious. As you can see most men swears are more basic-coloured while women clothes are varied vastly from monotone to colour-mixed. This applies to other items and equipment also. - Do colours affect your mood?
Actually, the conversed effect is more suitable for me, especially when it comes to shopping. I’m actually not happier when I look at a pink-coloured shirt or feel pulled-down when I wear a grey cardigan. So no, I don’t think the colour is not related.
- How often do you read?
As a final year student, I spend most of my time on reading especially textbooks and other reference books that my lecturers recommend in the reading list. I’m also a fan of novels or fictions, but only during summer break that I have time to read them. - Do you have many books at home?
Totally. I’m a bookaholic, to be honest. I enjoy going to annual book fairs where they usually run big sales to get a lot of books without much worries about the price. Since my parents are also book-nerds, I think the number of books we have is large enough to open a bookstore. - Do Vietnamese people do enough reading?
If you mean reading something meaningful and realistic, I must say it’s enough. The young generations are too into technology that I don’t think they have time for reading. Plus, publishing nowadays is not as strictly selective as it used to be, thus the young mostly read a number of books which indeed have no value at all, compared to the classics. - What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don’t like reading very much?
From my point of view, I think book-nerds are those who prefer putting themselves into the character’s shoe, you know, they wanna interact with the story, the characters on their own way. Some of them love to imagine how the story is supposed to continue while some keep wondering what they would do if the drama suddenly happened in their real life. Those who do not like to read are either too busy with their life that they even can’t remember the characters’ names or they prefer listening, I mean, they have someone read the story and tell them the ending only.
- Do you like singing?
I absolutely love singing. Although I just figured out my singing ability like three or four years ago and off course it’s not perfect, singing to me is just to enjoy music, you know, often when I’m into a song, I can’t help myself singing it day and night. - When do you like to sing?
I sing whenever I feel like to, you know, when I’m bored or when I’m happy. And since I’m not that type of a so-called performer, most of the time I sing to myself. - How much time do you spend in singing everyday?
Well as I already mentioned singing to me is all about enjoying myself, so unless that song is so amazing, or my voice is so surprisingly incredible on that day that I can keep singing for hours, otherwise I definitely can go a day without any singing. - What kinds of music do you like to sing?
I must say it depends on my mood. If I’m so down, singing some songs which bring back some past memories could make me feel somehow released, and on the days when I’m so motivated, so energetic, I would sing the songs that are full-of-hope and sunshine and dreams. Yeah, so you can tell that I don’t stick with a certain kind of music. - Is it difficult to sing well?
Indeed. Unless you have a beautiful voice as a gift from God, or you at least have gained yourself some basic knowledge about notes, vocal ranges and beat, etc. that it’s easier for you to go further in your singing career, otherwise yes, singing well would be a huge challenge. - Do you want to be a singer?
Well, from what I’ve known, being a singer is not easy at all. It’s not just about performing, but it’s also involved interaction with fans and other colleagues. Based on what I’ve known about showbiz, and even the music industry in general, I think that is not a place for me.
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