Saturday 6 February 2016

Talking about illness

If you are ill, it is important to able to describe what is wrong with you. This part look at some vocabulary to use at the doctor's. It offer some basic, general word for describe medicine problems.
Từ ill thường được sử dụng trong British English, trong khi từ sick lại thường sử dụng trong American English. Nếu khi người Anh nói were sick thì có nghĩa là vomited.


Symptoms are thing that show you have an ill. For example for symptom of a cold include sneezing, coughing, a sore throat, a runny nose or a blocked nose or stuffed-up nose.
We often use verb have and feel to describe our symptoms:
  • I feel tired all the time.
  • I have a headache.
sử dụng "feel" are dizzy, faint, sick, or queasy, nauseous
Ta vẫn hay sử dụng I'm have trouble, theo sau là - V-ing or with:
  • I'm have trouble sleeping.
  • I'm have trouble with my knees.
thỉnh thoảng ta thường sử dụng:
  • My leg/finger hurts.
  • I have a pain in my foot/ear.
A dull pain or ache is unpleasant but not severe and usually continuous. A sharps or stabbing pain is usually more painful and may be intermittent
A part of the body that hurts, when you touch it is sore or tender while if you can't feel it at all, it is numb. If part of the body is bigger than normal, it is swollen. Small, red mark on the skin are called a rash, and if you feel you you want to scratch them, they are itchy.
If blood is coming from  part of your body, you say that it is bleeding. If you feel over because you were dizzy, you fainted and if you remained in a condition where you could not see or think, you were unconscious.
To talk about how an illness started, you could say that it came on gradually or came on suddenly. You also want to explain these symptom worse or better:
  • standing for long period make it worse.
  • painkiller helps it a bit.


  • vomited: matter vomited from stromache, ói mửa.
  • dizzy: as though room in turning around, chóng mặt, hoa mắt.
  • faint: as though you might fall over , uể oải, ngất.
  • queasy/nauseous: as though you might vomit buồn nôn.
  • hurt: feel pain in part of body. bị thương, vết thương.
  • dull pain: describe a sound or pain that is not sharp or clear, âm ỉ.
  • severe: causing very great pain , difficult, damage...very serious, khốc liệt, dữ dội.
  • sharp: happen suddenly, quickly and strongly đau đớn.
  • stabbing: sudden sharp feeling or pain  đột ngột, đau nhói.
  • intermittent: not happen regularly or continuously, stopping and starting repeating or with period in between, thỉnh thoảng, không thường xuyên, lúc có lúc không.
  • sore: painful and uncomfortable because of injury, infection or too much use, đau.
  • tender: painful, sore uncomfortable when touched, nhạy cảm.
  • numb: if your part of body is numb, you unable to feel it, usually use a short time, tê cứng.
  • bleeding: lose blood from body as a result of injury or illness., chảy máu.
  • unconscious: in the state of having lost conscious, especially as a result of a head injury, không ý thức, vô thức.
  • scratch: to cut or damage a surface or your skin slightly with or on something sharp or rough, vết xước, trầy xước.
  • gradually: slowly over a period of time ow distance, dần dần, từ từ.
  • rash: a lot of small red spots on skin, phát ban đỏ.

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