Friday 5 March 2021

Some ways of talking about success

Some phrases help you become "sành điệu" hơn when making use of them. Below are some examples native speakers commonly use when talking about their friends' success.

Success Talks Podcast
Listening to

make it (to the top): to be very successful (rất thành công)

I know my friend is going to make it as an actress.

being going places: to be getting more and more successful in your life or career (ngày càng thành công trong cuộc sống và công việc)

She is a brilliant actress. I think she's going places.

work like a charm: be completely successful or effective (hoàn toàn thành công/hiệu quả)

Our little arrangement worked like a charm.

with flying colours
if you do sth such as pass an exam with flying colours, you do it very successfully (rất thành công)

She got 100% on her exam. She really passed with flying colours.

high-flying: (used as an adjective): very successful (rất thành công)

He has his own company. He is a high-flying businessman.

get off to a flying start: to begin sth very well, quickly make good progress. khởi đầu rất tốt và nhanh chóng phát triển

She's got off to a flying start in her new job.

go from strength to strength: get better and better (ngày càng tốt hơn)

Sally's career went from strength to strength.

make a go of sth: to do sth successfully (làm cái gì rất thành công)

She was determined to make a go of her programming business.

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