Sunday, 17 August 2014

Using SO and NEITHER in agreeing

Trong văn nói khi bạn muốn trả lời đồng ý/không đồng ý với phát biểu của người đối thoại, có cách đơn giản sau đây:


So is used to agree with an affirmative statement made by, or concerning, another person.
Speaker A : I like chocolate.
Speaker B : So do I.
A : I speak English.
B : So does Peter.
(Peter speaks English too.)
Tom is hungry.
So is Mary.
(Mary is hungry too.)
Jane can swim.
So can Julie.
(Julie can swim too.)
We have got a dog.
So have our parents.
(Our parents have got a dog too.)


Neither is used to agree with a negative statement made by, or concerning, another person.
Speaker A : I don't speak Chinese.
Speaker B : Neither do I. (=I don't speak Chinese either.)
A: Tom doesn't work here. Peter isn't tired. I can't cook. Mary doesn't have a ticket.
B: Neither do I/Me neither.
(I don't work here either.)
Neither is Tom/Me neither.
(Tom isn't tired either.)
Neither can I/Me neither.
(I can't cook either.)
Neither do I/Me neither.
(I don't have a ticket either.)
A: I don't like my teacher.
B: Me too. SAI!
Me neither. ĐÚNG!

A: I dislike my teacher.
B: Me neither. SAI!
Me too. ĐÚNG!

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