Tablet use in primary schools: the benefits and downsides
Many educators have pointed out that computer skills are becoming increasingly important in today's reality and, consequently, that children should be encouraged to enter this kind of learning environment as early as possible – preferably in the primary schools.
Nhiều nhà giáo dục đã chỉ ra rằng những kĩ năng tin học đang dần trở nên quan trọng trong thực tế ngày nay và do đó, trẻ em nên được khuyến khích tiếp cận loại môi trường học tập này càng sớm càng tốt - nhất là các trường trung học cơ sở.
*** educator (n) nhà giáo dục
*** point out (v) to mention sth in order to give sb information about it or make them notice it
- point out to sb | point sth out to sb
- She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.- He pointed out the dangers of driving alone.
*** are being increasingly important: đang dần trở nên quan trọng
*** this kind of learning environment: loại môi trường học tập
as early as possible: as soon as possible
Indeed, lots of schools have recognized the potential of tablets in education, and have begun incorporating these technologies into their classroom curricula.
Thực tế, nhiều trường học đã nhận ra rằng tiềm năng của máy tính bảng trong giáo dục và đã bắt đầu tích hợp những công nghệ này vào trong các lớp học của họ.
The truth is, that just as with every other technology, there are both benefits and downsides to complementing a traditional education with tablet-based exercises and activities. Here's a comprehensive list of pros and cons that teachers and administrators should take into account when deciding to whether to introduce these popular technological devices into the classroom.
Sự thật là như mọi công nghệ khác, việc áp dụng những hoạt động học tập và bài tập dựa trên máy tính bảng vào giáo dục truyền thống cũng cả ưu điểm và nhược điểm. Ở đây là một danh sách mở rộng những ưu và nhược điểm mà các giáo viên và người quản lí nên quan tâm để ý đến khi quyết định liệu rằng có nên giới thiệu những thiết bị công nghệ mới phổ biến này vào lớp học hay không.Pros:
• Allows children to access an interactive and stimulating environment, in which teachers can use a combination of different learning modalities (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic).
• Better engagement – every teacher recognizes the value of engagement and its vital role in enhancing knowledge retention, increasing stimulation and improving learning abilities.
• The touch interface is user-friendly to both pupils and teachers – this is especially relevant in the case of older teachers, who might find this kind of technology challenging. Contrasted with laptops, tablets are much more intuitive to use.
• Tablets are mobile, a feature that encourages pupils to be more active in the classroom, enhancing kinaesthetic learning to make the lesson content more memorable.
• Tablets simply make learning fun – children love to interact with technological devices and thanks to specialized apps that focus on different aspects of learning (simple math exercises, listening to stories, learning the alphabet) they can benefit during play, too.
• Tablets offer audio-visual tools (camera, voice and video recording), which can be used creatively in the classroom with the help of various apps.
• Tablets promote creativity – there's a myriad of creative apps out there to help children acquire skills like drawing, composition and video editing. All of these make children active creators, instead of passive consumers of knowledge.
• Tablets can help in learning to read. By featuring e-books with text markers, children will be able to read without the constant aid of the teacher.
• Better engagement – every teacher recognizes the value of engagement and its vital role in enhancing knowledge retention, increasing stimulation and improving learning abilities.
• The touch interface is user-friendly to both pupils and teachers – this is especially relevant in the case of older teachers, who might find this kind of technology challenging. Contrasted with laptops, tablets are much more intuitive to use.
• Tablets are mobile, a feature that encourages pupils to be more active in the classroom, enhancing kinaesthetic learning to make the lesson content more memorable.
• Tablets simply make learning fun – children love to interact with technological devices and thanks to specialized apps that focus on different aspects of learning (simple math exercises, listening to stories, learning the alphabet) they can benefit during play, too.
• Tablets offer audio-visual tools (camera, voice and video recording), which can be used creatively in the classroom with the help of various apps.
• Tablets promote creativity – there's a myriad of creative apps out there to help children acquire skills like drawing, composition and video editing. All of these make children active creators, instead of passive consumers of knowledge.
• Tablets can help in learning to read. By featuring e-books with text markers, children will be able to read without the constant aid of the teacher.
• Technical limitations – tablets are not well adapted to multitasking, so opening several files or windows might pose a problem and disrupt the lesson pace.
• Battery – all technological devices rely on their batteries, so if one or more tablets run out of charge, this could interfere with the lesson plan.
• Cost – even though tablets are increasingly more accessible, they're still expensive and will require a substantial investment from the school.
• Training – many teachers may not be acquainted with this kind of technological device, and so will need to be supported with training. Teaching methodologies will need to be changed and adapted to make the most of tablets in the classroom, which will generate additional costs and may become time-consuming.
• There's also the question of the limited number of textbooks available for tablets – this issue will need future improvement.
• Battery – all technological devices rely on their batteries, so if one or more tablets run out of charge, this could interfere with the lesson plan.
• Cost – even though tablets are increasingly more accessible, they're still expensive and will require a substantial investment from the school.
• Training – many teachers may not be acquainted with this kind of technological device, and so will need to be supported with training. Teaching methodologies will need to be changed and adapted to make the most of tablets in the classroom, which will generate additional costs and may become time-consuming.
• There's also the question of the limited number of textbooks available for tablets – this issue will need future improvement.
In deciding whether to incorporate tablets into a classroom curriculum, we should never forget that technology doesn't teach – teachers do – and technology can only assist them in doing so more efficiently. The real potential of tablets in education ultimately lies in their adaptation and use by teachers during their lessons.
Trong việc đưa ra quyết định có nên tích hợp máy tính bảng vào chương trình học ở lớp hay không, chúng ta không nên bao giờ quên rằng công nghệ không thể làm công việc dạy học - mà giáo viên là người đảm nhận việc đó - và công nghệ chỉ là hỗ trợ giáo viên trong việc giảng dạy hiệu quả hơn. Tiềm năng thật ẩn chứa của máy tính bảng trong giáo dục một cách cơ bản quan trọng nhất nằm ở chỗ tính tương thích và việc sử dụng của giáo viên vào trong bài học của họ.
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