Wednesday 3 February 2016

Weather in UK

Image courtesy of
Một số từ vựng về weather giúp bạn có thể nghe được bản tin về thời tiết ở UK
  • wintry: typical of weather lạnh giá
  • wintry showers = snow mixed with rain mưa mùa đông
    • e.g: This afternoon, we may see some wintry showers
  • windy: a lot of wind, có gió, nhiều gió
  • shower: a brief period of rain or snow, trận mưa hoặc mưa tuyết
    • e.g: There will be thundery/ wintry showers over many parts of the country.
  • showery: charactered by frequent shower of rain. mưa rào
  • clear sky: thời tiết đẹp, trời đẹp
  • stormy: heavy rain and often thunder and lighting; bão
    • a rainstorm/ a thunderstorm/ a windstorm/ a snowstorm
    • stormy weather: the sky was dark and stormy. bão tố
  • thunder: the sudden loud noise which comes from the sky especially during a storm. sấm chớp
  • disturbed: nhiễu loạn
  • mild: moderately warm: ôn hòa, ấm áp
  • wet: describes weather or period of time when rainfall, ẩm ướt
    • wet season: mùa mưa
    • It's going to wet: trời sắp mưa
  • rainfall:  the fall of rain, the quantity of rain falling within a given area in a give time, trận mưa rào
  • gales: a very strong wind, cơn gió mạnh từ cấp 7 - 10, bão
    • e.g: Hundreds of old trees were blown down in the gales.
  • suffer: show the effect of something bad, chịu, ảnh hưởng
  • gust: a sudden strong wind = gust of wind, cơn gió mạnh; gust of rain: trận mưa rào
  • cloud: a usually grey or white mass in the sky, mây
  • cloudless: with no cloud; a cloud sky/night, không mây, quang đãng, sáng sủa
  • cloudy: with clouds; a cloud sky/day , nhiều mây, u ấm, xám xịt
  • gradually: slowly over a period of time or a distance, dần dần, từ từ
    • e.g: Gradually, she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth  
  • sunny: bright because of light from the sun, nắng, có nhiều ánh sáng
  • sunless: lacking sun, không có nắng, tối tăm
  • sunshine: the light and heat that come from the sun, ánh sáng mặt trời, ánh nắng
  • interval: a period between two events or time or the space between point. khoảng, hội tụ
  •  moderate: neither small nor large between the two, ôn hòa, vừa phải, phải chăng, có mức độ, trung bình 
  • breeze: a light and pleasant wind, gió hiu hiu, thoáng gió
    • a warm/ cool breeze
  • chill: to become cold but not freeze, felling of cold, lạnh lẽo, gió lạnh
  • chilly: cold
  • frosty: very cold with a thin layer of white ice covering everything, sự đông giá, giá lạnh, sương giá
  • freeeze: lạnh giá
  • unsettled: not calm or having a regular pattern, causing change, lộn xộn, phá rối
  • predominantly: mostly or mainly chủ yếu là, phần lớn
  • steam: small river, continuous flow
  •  sporadic: happening irregularly, not regular or continuous, lác đác, không thường xuyên
  • icy: covered in ice. extremedy cold, phủ băng, băng giá, đóng băng
  • patch: a small area which is different in some way from the area that surround ot
    • icy patch: mảng giá lạnh
  • drizzle: rain in very small light, mưa phùn, mưa bụi

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