Saturday 17 October 2015

Do you think that a hoverboard can fly?

Have you thought that a hoverboard can fly? That has been proved by a Canadian inventor, named Catalin Alexandru Duru, has been working on top-secret, next-generation version of fan-driven board (bản thiết kế dựa trên quạt điện). The report on Technology & Science columns of CBCNews stated that Duru, Montreal-based inventor, broke the world record for the longest hoverboard flight (kỉ lục thế giới về vật thể bay được bằng ván trượt dài nhất thế).

With this device, Duru flew up to five metres above a lake for a distance of 275.9 metres aboard his homemade, propeller-powered hoverboard (ván trượt cấp điện từ cánh quạt/chân vịt) in a trip that lasted more than 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Now, the 31-year-old Duru and his company, Omni Hoverboards, are working on a secret, next-generation version of the device. Watch as he takes CBC's Reg Sherren into the workshop where he is building it, and then to a Quebec lake where he puts the new prototype to the test for the first time.


  • propeller (n) cánh quạt (máy bay), chân vịt (thuyền)
  • fan-driven board: ván dựa trên quạt, like data-driven decisions: quyết định dựa vào thông tin dữ liệu

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