Sunday 12 March 2017

Give birth or have a baby etc.

nappy (in UK), diaper /ˈdaɪ.pər/ (in US): ta em be
nappy rash
diaper rash: a red, painful area of skin on a baby's bottom caused by a wet nappy
disposable/reusable diapers
diaper cream
She was changing the baby's diaper
I know William when he was in diapers ( = when he was a baby)

how to swaddle a baby
swaddle /ˈswɒd.əl/ to wrap a baby tightly in cloth
Swaddling a baby tightly in a blanket can be a good way to stop it crying.

Give baby sponge baths until the umbilical cord falls off.
sponge bath: a bath with a cloth or sponge and a little water
During the drought the family had only sponge baths.
umbilical cord: day ron
fall off: rung

birthweight: trong luong luc moi sinh

lanugo: fine, soft hair, especially that which covers the body and limbs of a human fetus. long to

give birth (idioms) (B2)
When a woman or female aminal gives birth, she produces a bay or young animal from her body.
She gave birth to twins.
Our cat gave birth last night.
This extraordinary experience gave birth to (= gave him the idea for) his latest novel.
If you deliver something that you have promised to do, make, or produce, you do, make, or produce it.
Don't promise what you can't deliver.

Some species of snake produce live young.

(produce) (C2) to give birth to young, or (of a tree or plant) to give or produce fruit or flowers
When a woman bears a child, she gives birth to him or her.
Notes: bear, bore, borne (born)
She bore a son called Ethan.
She had borne six children by the time she was 30.
Cô ấy đã sinh  sáu đứa con ở thời cô ấy còn 30.
[+ two objects] When his wife bore him a child he could not hide his delight.
Khi vợ anh ấy sinh cho anh một đứa con anh ấy không giấu được sự sung sướng.
Most animals bore their young in the spring.
Hầu hết động vật sinh con vào mùa xuân.
The pear tree they planted has never borne fruit.
Cây mận họ trồng chưa bao giờ ra trái.

They say that in China a new baby is born every five minutes.
Người ta nói rằng ở Trung Quốc cứ mỗi 5 phút là một đứa trẻ được ra đời.
See more:
She bore twelve children in twenty-two years.
She had twelve children in twenty-two years. (This form is used more commonly)

If a woman has a baby, she gives birth to it. If she is having a baby, she is pregnant.
My wife has just had a baby boy.
She had two children.

be delivered of  = to give birth to a baby (formal)
She was delivered of a healthy boy.

When someone delivers a baby, they help the woman who is giving birth to the baby.
to help a woman to give birth to a baby
Her husband had to deliver the baby himself.
The baby was delivered by Samatha's team.
She delivered her third child at home.
The baby was delivered by a midwife.
The princess has been delivered of (= has given birth to) a healthy baby boy.
Công chúa vừa hạ sinh một em bé trai khoẻ khắn.

If a woman mothers a child, she looks after it and brings it up, usually because she is its mother.
She had dreamed of mothering a large family.

bring into the world

a child has entered the world

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