Wednesday 2 March 2016

Like for preference and description

Chúng ta thường trả lời hoặc sử dụng sai khi sử dụng từ này. Hãy xem lại cú ngữ pháp này nhé.

Meaning and use:
  1. Like can be used as a Verb to express a preference or interest in a person, place and thing ( sử dụng như 1 động từ để nhấn mạnh sự thích hơn hoặc ưa thích một người, nơi chốn hoặc vật gì đó)
    • Ex: I like your earrings. Where did you get them? Tôi rất thích đôi hoa tai của bạn. Bạn lấy nó ở đâu vậy?
  2. Like can also be used a Preposition to ask for a description of a person, place and thing 
    • Ex: What's your English teacher like? She's kind and intelligent
  1. As Verb:
    • cấu trúc: S + like + Obj
    • ví dụ:
      • I like sports. Do you like playing football?
      • Yes, I do. I also like fishing. Do you like fishing?
      • No, I don't.
    • Positive:
      • I like shopping. Bob likes skying
    • Negative:
      • I don't like tea and coffee.
    • Question:
      • Do you like horror movie?
  2. As Preposition:
    • cấu trúc: What + to be + noun/noun phrase + like?
    • ví dụ:
      • what's UK like? It's cold and windy.
  3. Chú ý:
    • when ask for preference, we use like with do or does in the question
      • Do you like play football?
      • what sport do you like?
    • when ask for description, we don't used do or does in the question. instead, we start the question with What and end with like.
      • What's London like?
      • What's you like?
Spoken English
Mỗi từ thường xuất hiện riêng lẽ
What's your new house like?
Sẽ hiểu rõ hơn trong phần phỏng vấn dưới đây

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