Tuesday 27 November 2012

Childproof your summer! 6 tips to rekindle romance

Thấy bài này hay nên tôi để đây, vừa học tiếng anh vừa có thêm kinh nghiệm trong chuyện ấy.
rekindle (v.tr.) to make sth become active again = reawaken (kích thích, làm hưng phấn, làm phấn chấn)
to rekindle romance: gợi lại sự lãng mạn
to rekindle feelings/hopes: gợi lại cảm xúc/hy vọng
The sight of her after so many years rekindled his passion.

Rekindle: đốt lại, thắp lại; nhen lại, nhóm lại
to rekindle a fire: nhóm lại ngọn lửa
to rekindle a war: nhóm lại ngọn lửa chiến tranh
childproof (or: child-proof) (adj)
- designed to prevent children from injuring themselves or doing damage: được thiết kế để ngăn bọn trẻ quấy rầy họ hoặc làm hư hỏng
- designed so that young children cannot open, use, or damage it

Childproof your summer! 6 tips to rekindle romance: Đừng để bọn trẻ quấy rầy hai bạn! 6 mẹo lấy lại sự lãng mạn của tình nhân

From sex therapist Ian Kerner: I don’t know if other parents feel this way, but during summer it’s “a long day's journey into night” -- especially when the kids are (wake) up at crack of dawn and it doesn’t start to get dark until 9 p.m. Even with my sons at day camp, they are still home often and constantly moaning, “I’m bored.” Jeez, what am I, the entertainment director? (đặc biệt khi bọn trẻ thức dậy lúc tờ mờ sáng và trời còn sáng đến tận 9 giờ tối)
Idioms: at the crack of dawn (and at the break of dawn):  at the earliest light of the day. Jane was always awake at the crack of dawn. The birds start singing at the break of dawn.
very early in the morning: We had an early flight so we were up at the crack of dawn.
very early in the morning: We had an eight o'clock flight so we were up at the crack of dawn.

My relationship with my wife is the part of my life that bears the brunt of all this. Longer days mean shorter nights; that translates to less downtime, less intimacy and darn it, less sex!
Sợi dây tình cảm với bà xã là một phần của cuộc đời tôi mà đó là nguồn động lực chính cho mọi hành động. Những ngày dài đồng nghĩa với việc đêm ngắn, cũng có nghĩa là thời gian nghỉ ngơi ít đi, làm tình ít đi và 

downtime >< uptime: time during which a computer or other machine is out of action: thời gian nghỉ của máy móc (the time during which a machine, especially a computer, is not working); hiểu theo nghĩa là thời gian chết vì máy móc hỏng. Đặc biệt, it is the time when sb stops working and is able to relax (từ Mỹ) (Ex: Everyone needs a little downtime)
down time (kỹ thuật) thời gian máy hư 

intimacy (n, pl: intimacies) close farmiliarity or friendship, sexual activity, especially an act of sexual intercourse

take/bear etc. the brunt of something means to receive the main force of something unpleasant
Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending

darn it! 
(informal, especially NAmE) used as a mild swear word to show that you are angry or annoyed about sth, to avoid saying ‘ damn ’
Darn it! I've lost my keys! 

Here are some ideas I came up with to “childproof” the summer and keep some romance sizzling:
Đây là một số ý tưởng mà tôi cố nghĩ ra để làm sao không để bọn trẻ quấy rầy trong mùa nghỉ hè và giữ khí thế lãng mạn hừng hực:
come up with: produce (something), especially when pressured (áp lực) or challenged (thách thức)

v. phr. 1. To offer. We can always depend on John Smith to come up with a good solution for any problem we might have. 2. To produce on demand. I won't be able to buy this car, because I cannot come up with the down payment you require. 3. To find.How on earth did you come up with such a brilliant idea?
French: soulever une idée

- (of food) make a hissing (huýt sáo, rít lên, sôi lên, xèo xèo) sound when frying or roasting - to make the sound of food frying in hot oil - tạo ra âm thanh của thức ăn chiên/ráng trong dầu nóng
- (informal) be very hot
- (informal) be very exciting or passionate, especially sexually
(n) an instance of the sound of sizzling
(sizzling: adj) (sizzler: n)

Make sure the kids are playing hard. Work those little buggers: swimming, soccer, baseball, pile it on. The harder they play the more easily they will go to sleep, which will give you more time for intimacy. Get in the habit of putting them to bed earlier, not later, and make sure that you have blinds or curtains that can block the light. Many parents make the mistake of waiting until it's dark to put the kids to bed during the summer. This practice leaves you exhausted with little time for your partner, and also deprives your kids of some much-needed rest.

Make sure the kids are playing hard: Đảm bảo cho lũ trẻ chơi mệt nghỉ (chơi không biết chán, chơi đến ngán ngẩm, chơi chăm chỉ).

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